Monday 7 February 2011

Wisconsin Star

This year's super bowl is all over but the shouting. The event gets very little attention in the UK. It's hard to get excited about a game that takes place while you're fast asleep. Football here has a round ball and no helmets or shoulder pads. When we lived in the States there was usually a family super bowl party, but it was more about the commercials, half-time show and food than it was about the game. I did catch Christina Aguilera's Star-Spangled Banner rendition this morning as I constructed this Wisconsin Star block. I'm not a fan of the song. It's difficult to sing well and unrewarding to try. I'm even less a fan of her yodeling style of singing. But it's her own national anthem, and she knew she'd have an audience of as many as 100 million people. Wouldn’t you think it would be worth her time to learn the words?

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