Tuesday 1 February 2011

Bloom Where You Are Planted

This week I was surprised with a gift of roses and carnations. I don't often receive flowers, and I certainly don't make a habit of buying them for myself, but maybe I should. I love watching the buds slowly unfurl. I love the way they grace the whole room with a gentle, fresh perfume. Flowers are such small, trivial things, but they add so much. Today's block is called Bloom Where You Are Planted. The name comes from an old English proverb. I thought it was in the bible somewhere, but have been unable to find it. I do like the idea of blooming where you're planted. It goes beyond suggesting that we should make the most of our situation, whether good or bad. Like the pansies in the song:

In whatever corner we may chance to grow,
Whether cold or warm the wind may ever blow,
Dark the day or sunny, we must try, try, try
Just one spot to gladden, you and I.


  1. This block looks like it has lots of pieces. Are there squares in the corners? I can't really tell for sure.

  2. Yes, there are squares in the corners. I count 40 pieces. The block buckles just a bit in the middle, so maybe the scant 1/4 inch seams were a hair too scant.
