Friday 11 February 2011

Nested Ducklings

It's only February, but yesterday felt like it was on loan from April. We had blue skies and balmy breezes. We walked to town and back, passing snowdrops and crocuses as we went. All along our way neighbors had doors and windows thrown open to let in the fresh air. Today it's raining again. But one sunny day can keep you singing through several rainy ones. This block is called Nested Ducklings. The kit was available last fall from Quilting by the Bay in Panama City, Florida. I had to make my own kit because Quilting by the Bay doesn't ship to an APO address. They'd have mailed it to my UK address, but shipping would have nearly tripled the cost. Either way, my billing address is still an APO, and their website just isn't set up for such things. Ah, well. Into each life a little rain must fall...


  1. I just have to say that I admire your talent with all these quilts and at the patience you must have!
    (if I tried to do this, I know I wouldn't be patient)

  2. Thank you for the lovely compliment. I wish I really deserved it. The truth is I do patchwork piecing because I'm NOT patient. I can't just sit still and watch a movie, even one of my favorites. My hands want to be doing something; folding laundry, kneading bread dough, mopping the floor, stirring jam. Or piecing a quilt block.
